레이블이 Public Accounts Committee UK인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Public Accounts Committee UK인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'public account committee'|New Publication: Public Accounts Committee – Seventh Report Immigration: The Points Based System-Student Route

About 'public account committee'|New Publication: Public Accounts Committee – Seventh Report Immigration: The Points Based System-Student Route

The               Atlanta               Journal               Constitution               is               reporting               Newt               Gingrich               may               be               about               to               form               an               exploratory               committee               for               his               possible               candidacy               for               President               of               the               United               States.

This               move               would               take               place               about               March               8.

If               this               prediction               turns               out               to               be               true,               this               would               mean               the               former               Speaker               of               the               House               would               be               the               first               Republican               to               take               this               concrete               step.

Other               potential               candidates               have               hinted               at               a               possible               candidacy               and               quietly               made               some               initial               moves               in               that               direction,               such               as               signing               up               staff               and               making               contact               with               operatives               in               early               primary               and               caucus               states.
               Gingrich               would               bring               considerable               strengths               to               the               race               for               the               presidency.

He               is               considered,               rightly,               one               of               the               most               brilliant,               imaginative               people               in               public               life               today.

In               the               early               1990s,               Gingrich               engineered               the               Republican               takeover               of               the               Congress,               bringing               an               end               to               Democratic               dominance               in               the               legislative               branch               that               has               lasted               40               years.

It               was               a               feat               many               had               thought               impossible.
               During               his               four-year               speakership,               Gingrich               helped               to               enact               a               number               of               measures,               including               welfare               reform               and               a               budget               that               ran               in               surplus               for               a               number               of               years.

He               might               have               engineered               reform               of               the               Social               Security               system               had               not               the               Monica               Lewinsky               scandal               devoured               the               Clinton               administration,               making               such               things               impossible.
               Furthermore,               Gingrich               has               well               positioned               himself               on               two               issues               of               the               2012               election:               health               care               reform               and               energy               policy.

Gingrich               has               been               a               warm               opponent               of               Obamacare               and               an               advocate               for               market-based               health               care               reform.

Gingrich               has               also               been               an               advocate               of               a               strong               energy               policy               that               includes               opening               up               vast               tracks               of               land               and               offshore               leashes               to               oil               drilling.
               In               the               deficit               side,               Gingrich               does               not               exude               the               kind               of               warmth,               the               Reaganesque               sense               of               optimism               that               some               believe               is               essential               for               a               national               politician.

Gingrich               comes               across               more               as               the               college               professor               he               used               to               be,               albeit               one               whose               classes               are               always               interesting               and               challenging.

But               lectures,               however               interesting,               do               not               substitute               for               rousing,               barn               burning               speeches.
               The               other               problem               Gingrich               will               have               to               deal               with               is               his               personal               history.

He               is               twice               divorced               and               has               been               caught               in               adultery               on               a               number               of               occasions.

While               President               Bill               Clinton               seemed               to               be               able               to               use               his               serial               philandering               as               an               asset,               the               standards               for               conservative               Republicans               are               somewhat               different.

Gingrich               will               try               to               parry               assaults               on               this               aspect               of               his               history               by               claiming               that               they               are               distractions,               more               about               the               past               than               the               future.
               In               any               event,               Gingrich               will               bring               a               brilliant               approach               to               public               policy               to               the               debate,               elevating               it               with               his               imaginative               ideas.

He               may               not               win               the               presidency,               but               it               is               certain               that               his               approach               to               fixing               the               nation's               ills               will               be               taken               into               account               as               Campaign               2012               proceeds               in               earnest.
               Source:               Newt               Gingrich               to               announce               exploratory               committee               'in               10               days'               -               in               Georgia,               Jim               Galloway,               Atlanta               Journal               Constitution,               February               26th,               2011

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