2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'certified public accountant classes'|Certified Accountnig Technician - Certified Public Accountant (National Review Center)

About 'certified public accountant classes'|Certified Accountnig Technician - Certified Public Accountant (National Review Center)

Accounting               is               a               quickly               growing               career               field.

By               the               year               2016,               there               will               be               an               estimated               1.5               million               accountants               in               the               United               States.

There               are               several               different               types               of               accountants.

Forensic               accountants               work               for               the               court               and               investigate               various               law-related               financial               documents,               such               as               those               related               to               crimes               like               money               laundering               and               bank               fraud.

They               also               look               into               records               related               to               bankruptcy               and               divorce               filings.

A               public               accountant,               also               known               as               a               CPA,               or               Certified               Public               Accountant,               works               for               either               individuals               or               companies.

A               CPA               can               either               start               up               their               own               firm,               taking               on               private               clients,               or               work               for               one               organization,               going               over               and               verifying               only               their               particular               financial               records.
               Government               accountants               and               auditors               work               for               the               IRS.

Their               tasks               vary               -               they               work               with               other               government               organizations,               keeping               track               of               their               financial               documents               -               or               they               can               process               and               verify               citizens               tax               returns.

They               are               the               ones               who               do               the               audits               that               people               and               businesses               so               fear.
               An               auditor               is               a               type               of               accountant.

While               an               accountant               keeps               track               of               records               and               verifies               them,               an               auditor               goes               over               them               more               thoroughly.

Whether               a               financial               record               is               noted               for               being               suspicious               or               the               situation               just               calls               for               a               second               look,               an               auditor               is               the               one               who               goes               back               over               it.
               The               average               salary               for               an               accountant               in               the               United               States               depends               on               which               state               the               accountant               resides               in.

In               Cleveland,               Ohio,               an               accountant               makes               $58.580               per               year.

In               a               larger               metropolitan               area               like               New               York               City,               an               accountant's               average               salary               is               $73.910.

An               accountant               living               on               the               west               coast,               in               Los               Angeles,               for               example,               makes               $64.050               a               year.
               In               order               to               become               an               accountant,               you               need               a               four-year               degree               in               accounting.

Classes               that               you               will               take               while               in               school               range               from               economics               to               auditing,               and               from               business               writing               to               tax               preparation.

Make               sure               that               the               school               that               you               attend               is               accredited               in               the               field.

It               is               also               recommended               that               you               have               at               least               one               summer               internship               with               an               accounting               firm.

This               will               give               you               some               connections               in               the               field,               as               well               as               sense               of               what               to               expect               once               you               graduate.
               After               receiving               your               degree               in               accounting,               you               need               to               take               the               CPA               (Certified               Public               Accountant)               exam.

The               CPA               exam               is               broken               down               into               sections:               Regulation,               Business               Law,               Financial               Accounting,               and               Auditing.

Once               you               pass               all               four               sections,               you               will               be               awarded               your               CPA               license.
               There               are               other               certifications               that               you               can               receive.

They               include               becoming               a               Certified               Fraud               Examiner,               an               Accredited               Business               Accountant,               and               a               Certified               Internal               Auditor.

Which               certifications               you               test               form               depends               on               what               type               of               accountant               that               you               want               to               become:               forensic               or               government,               public               or               auditor.

A               forensic               accountant               or               government               accountant               or               auditor               would               become               a               Certified               Fraud               Examiner,               while               someone               aiming               for               their               own               accounting               firm               would               become               a               certified               Elder               Care               Specialist               or               an               Accredited               Tax               Preparer               or               Accredited               Tax               Advisor.
               While               a               Master's               degree               is               not               required,               it               can               be               helpful.

Obtaining               one               in               business               administration               or               accounting               will               help               you               if               you               wish               to               open               your               own               accounting               firm               in               the               future.

The               wise               thing               to               do               would               be               to               get               a               job               as               an               accountant               after               graduating               with               your               Bachelor's               degree,               and               then               go               to               school               to               get               your               Master's               degree               while               working.

This               way               you               gain               experience               in               the               field               while               you               learn               about               it               further               in               the               classroom.

With               an               MBA,               or               Master's               in               Business               Administration,               you               will               learn               more               advanced               business               and               managerial               skills.

A               Master's               in               Accounting,               however,               will               teach               you               further               about               accounting               and               allow               you               to               gain               expertise               in               one               specific               area               of               the               field.
               Becoming               an               accountant               will               take               at               least               five               years               -               four               in               the               classroom               obtaining               a               Bachelor's               degree,               and               one               studying               and               taking               the               CPA               exam.

Whereas,               if               you               want               to               specialize               in               one               particular               type               of               accounting,               a               Master's               degree               in               necessary.
               Accountant               &               Auditor               Careers               -               Employment               &               Salary               Trends               for               Aspiring               Accountants               &               Auditors
               Accountants               &               Auditors               -               Career,               Salary               &               Employment               Info
               How               to               Become               an               Accountant               -               http://www.mahalo.com/how-to-become-an-accountant

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