2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'public accounting experience'|My experience with Google AdSense API Integration...time I heard about the public release of AdSense APIs was... to convert my account to a developer account. To my surprise...

About 'public accounting experience'|My experience with Google AdSense API Integration...time I heard about the public release of AdSense APIs was... to convert my account to a developer account. To my surprise...

               Most               job-seekers               devote               a               substantial               amount               of               time               and               energy               into               making               their               resumes               (or               CVs,               for               those               of               you               who               drive               fancier               cars)               as               perfect               as               possible.

They               read               books               about               resumes,               attend               classes,               even               hire               other               people               to               write               the               resumes               on               their               behalf.

And               what               do               they               do               when               they               submit               those               beautiful               one-page               encapsulations               of               their               lives?

They               cover               them               up               with               crummy,               poorly               written               cover               letters.
               There's               no               question               that               a               resume               is               important               when               you're               looking               for               a               job,               although               many               people               overestimate               the               amount               of               time               potential               employers               will               take               to               study               them.

In               my               experience,               a               resume               is               essentially               a               screening               tool               that               gives               an               employer               a               relatively               quick               way               to               divide               applicants               into               "possible"               and               "ain't               no               way"               piles.
               (I               speak               from               experience,               because               I've               been               the               unofficial               resume               screener               at               several               jobs.

The               department               director               doesn't               have               time               to               go               through               the               200               resumes               that               came               in               that               week,               so               he               or               she               parcels               it               to               someone               lower               on               the               food               chain.

"Sort               them               and               give               me               any               that               are               worthwhile."               So,               as               a               22-year-old               assistant               to               an               assistant,               I               was               determining               whether               VP-level               candidates               were               worth               an               interview.)
               Whether               the               decision-maker               or               a               lowly               associate               is               handling               screening,               the               process               is               essentially               the               same.

The               screener               is               quickly               narrowing               the               list               to               identify               potential               candidates.

A               five-               or               ten-second               scan,               and               you               either               have               an               opportunity,               or               you're               thrown               in               the               trash               pile.
               One               way               you               can               increase               your               chances               of               getting               a               longer               look               is               to               include               a               cover               letter               with               your               resume.

That               may               not               be               news               to               you,               but               what               may               come               as               a               surprise               is               that               the               vast               majority               of               cover               letters               are               nothing               short               of               horrible.

In               my               experience               of               reviewing               resumes               and               cover               letters               at               several               different               levels               in               several               different               jobs,               I'd               guess               that               somewhere               around               90               percent               of               cover               letters               are               terrible               --               either               poorly               written,               unimaginative,               unconvincing,               or               just               plain               weird.
               Roughly               90               percent               of               that               90               percent               follow               one               of               two               approaches:               the               "my               name               is"               approach,               or               the               "match               the               job               listing"               approach.

The               "my               name               approach"               is               my               least               favorite.

"My               name               is               Maria               Jones,               and               I               am               interested               in               applying               my               skills               and               educational               knowledge               ...

so               forth               and               so               on."               (I               always               find               it               remarkable               that               the               name               in               the               first               sentence               matches               the               name               at               the               very               bottom               of               the               letter.

Given               that               fact,               why               do               people               feel               the               need               to               repeat               it?)
               The               "match               the               job               listing"               approach               user               simply               regurgitates               the               job               posting.

"I               am               a               financial               professional               with               2+               years               of               public               accounting               experience,               familiarity               with               cash               management,               a               Bachelor's               degree,               and               knowledge               of               SAP,               and               I'm               interested               in               the               Accounting               Associate               position."               Yawn.

Of               course               you're               interested               in               the               position               --               that's               why               you're               responding.

(A               dead               giveaway               is               when               there's               a               typo               in               the               ad's               description,               and               the               respondent               duplicates               the               typo               in               the               cover               letter.)
               If               you               want               to               set               your               cover               letter               apart               from               all               the               bad               ones,               you               need               to               understand               the               two               roles               such               letters               play.

First,               they               have               to               serve               as               a               stopper               --               they               have               to               interrupt               the               wearying               process               of               mechanically               scanning               through               a               stack               of               virtually               identical               resumes,               and               capture               the               scanner's               attention.
               Second,               and               most               important,               they're               an               opportunity               to               have               an               interview               before               the               interview.

The               right               cover               letter               is               your               introduction               to               the               decision-maker,               and               if               it               suggests               that               you're               the               perfect               fit               for               the               position               and               culture,               you'll               interview               from               a               position               of               strength.

Even               if               it               simply               makes               you               memorable,               the               interviewer               will               look               forward               to               talking               to               you,               and               might               even               open               the               interview               with               a               comment               from               the               letter.
               Use               the               cover               letter               to               tell               a               story               about               yourself.

Give               the               scanner               and               the               decision-maker               some               insight               into               what               makes               you               tick               and               what               separates               you               from               the               200               others               who               are               also               sending               resumes.

Think               about               what               brought               you               to               this               point               in               your               life               and               career,               and               share               the               story.
               Want               an               example?

"I               wouldn't               be               writing               you               if               I               hadn't               been               cut               from               the               football               team               in               7th               grade.

When               I               was               a               little               kid,               I               dreamed               of               playing               for               the               NFL.

But               when               I               realized               I               wasn't               even               good               enough               to               warm               the               bench,               I               knew               I'd               have               to               find               another               interest.

I               joined               the               computer               club               at               school,               and               three               months               later,               created               my               first               website.

By               the               time               I               was               a               high               school               junior,               I               had               my               own               business."

"My               nursing               career               really               began               when               I               took               a               job               in               my               small               town's               pizza               restaurant.

If               that               sounds               strange,               think               about               the               environment.

Everyone's               in               a               rush,               there               are               many               complicated               procedures               happening               at               the               same               time,               the               phone               never               stops               ringing               --               and               mistakes               are               simply               unacceptable               to               both               customers               and               the               owner.

You               either               thrive               in               that               environment,               or               you               get               out.

I               loved               it."
               You               have               stories               like               that               in               your               own               life.

Things               you've               done,               lessons               you've               learned,               people               you've               admired               --               all               the               things               that               made               you               the               person               you               are               today,               and               all               the               things               that               will               make               you               a               valuable               member               of               your               prospective               employer's               team.

But               that               employer               won't               know               about               them               unless               you               share               them,               and               hiding               behind               a               standardized               "My               name               is"               cover               letter               just               won't               do               it.
               You               can               apply               the               same               principles               to               emailed               resumes.

If               the               opening               lines               of               your               email               are               compelling               and               interesting,               the               poor               guy               or               gal               who               has               to               sift               through               those               hundreds               of               emails               will               stop               and               read               it.
               Yes,               do               make               sure               your               resume               is               perfect.

Spend               time               getting               it               right.

But               don't               miss               out               on               what               will               really               differentiate               you               by               falling               into               the               trap               of               sending               a               run-of-the-mill               cover               letter.

After               all,               you               bring               something               unique               to               the               process               --               and               only               you               know               what               that               is.

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    The               story               of               insurance               is               probably               as               old               as               the               story               of               mankind.

    The               same               instinct               that               prompts               modern               businessmen               today               to               secure               themselves               against               loss               and               disaster               existed               in               primitive               men               also.

    They               too               sought               to               avert               the               evil               consequences               of               fire               and               flood               and               loss               of               life               and               were               willing               to               make               some               sort               of               sacrifice               in               order               to               achieve               security.

    Though               the               concept               of               insurance               is               largely               a               development               of               the               recent               past,               particularly               after               the               industrial               era               -               past               few               centuries               -               yet               its               beginnings               date               back               almost               6000               years.

    Life               Insurance               in               its               modern               form               came               to               India               from               England               in               the               year               1818.

    Oriental               Life               Insurance               Company               started               by               Europeans               in               Calcutta               was               the               first               life               insurance               company               on               Indian               Soil.

    All               the               insurance               companies               established               during               that               period               were               brought               up               with               the               purpose               of               looking               after               the               needs               of               European               community               and               Indian               natives               were               not               being               insured               by               these               companies.

    However,               later               with               the               efforts               of               eminent               people               like               Babu               Muttylal               Seal,               the               foreign               life               insurance               companies               started               insuring               Indian               lives.

    But               Indian               lives               were               being               treated               as               sub-standard               lives               and               heavy               extra               premiums               were               being               charged               on               them.
                   The               Bombay               Mutual               Life               Assurance               Society               heralded               the               birth               of               first               Indian               life               insurance               company               in               the               year               1870,               and               covered               Indian               lives               at               normal               rates.

    Starting               as               Indian               enterprise               with               highly               patriotic               motives,               insurance               companies               came               into               existence               to               carry               the               message               of               insurance               and               social               security               through               insurance               to               various               sectors               of               society.

    Bharat               Insurance               Company               (1896)               was               also               one               of               such               companies               inspired               by               nationalism.

    The               Swadeshi               movement               of               1905-1907               gave               rise               to               more               insurance               companies.

    The               United               India               in               Madras,               National               Indian               and               National               Insurance               in               Calcutta               and               the               Co-operative               Assurance               at               Lahore               were               established               in               1906.

    In               1907,               Hindustan               Co-operative               Insurance               Company               took               its               birth               in               one               of               the               rooms               of               the               Jorasanko,               house               of               the               great               poet               Rabindranath               Tagore,               in               Calcutta.

    The               Indian               Mercantile,               General               Assurance               and               Swadeshi               Life               (later               Bombay               Life)               were               some               of               the               companies               established               during               the               same               period.
                   Prior               to               1912               India               had               no               legislation               to               regulate               insurance               business.

    In               the               year               1912,               the               Life               Insurance               Companies               Act,               and               the               Provident               Fund               Act               were               passed.

    The               Life               Insurance               Companies               Act,               1912               made               it               necessary               that               the               premium               rate               tables               and               periodical               valuations               of               companies               should               be               certified               by               an               actuary.

    But               the               Act               discriminated               between               foreign               and               Indian               companies               on               many               accounts,               putting               the               Indian               companies               at               a               disadvantage.
                   The               first               two               decades               of               the               twentieth               century               saw               lot               of               growth               in               insurance               business.

    From               44               companies               with               total               business-in-force               as               Rs.22.44               Crore,               it               rose               to               176               companies               with               total               business-in-force               as               Rs.298               Crore               in               1938.

    During               the               mushrooming               of               insurance               companies               many               financially               unsound               concerns               were               also               floated               which               failed               miserably.

    The               Insurance               Act               1938               was               the               first               legislation               governing               not               only               life               insurance               but               also               non-life               insurance               to               provide               strict               state               control               over               insurance               business.

    The               demand               for               nationalisation               of               life               insurance               industry               was               made               repeatedly               in               the               past               but               it               gathered               momentum               in               1944               when               a               bill               to               amend               the               Life               Insurance               Act               1938               was               introduced               in               the               Legislative               Assembly.
                   LIFE               INSURANCE               CORPORATION               OF               INDIA               
                   However,               it               was               much               later               on               the               19th               of               January,               1956,               that               life               insurance               in               India               was               nationalised.

    About               154               Indian               insurance               companies,               16               non-Indian               companies               and               75               provident               were               operating               in               India               at               the               time               of               nationalisation.

    Nationalisation               was               accomplished               in               two               stages;               initially               the               management               of               the               companies               was               taken               over               by               means               of               an               Ordinance,               and               later,               the               ownership               too               by               means               of               a               comprehensive               bill.

    The               Parliament               of               India               passed               the               Life               Insurance               Corporation               Act               on               the               19th               of               June               1956,               and               the               Life               Insurance               Corporation               of               India               (LICI)               was               created               on               1st               September,               1956,               with               the               objective               of               spreading               life               insurance               much               more               widely               and               in               particular               to               the               rural               areas               with               a               view               to               reach               all               insurable               persons               in               the               country,               providing               them               adequate               financial               cover               at               a               reasonable               cost.
                   LICI               had               5               zonal               offices,               33               divisional               offices               and               212               branch               offices,               apart               from               its               corporate               office               in               the               year               1956.

    Since               life               insurance               contracts               are               long               term               contracts               and               during               the               currency               of               the               policy               it               requires               a               variety               of               services               need               was               felt               in               the               later               years               to               expand               the               operations               and               place               a               branch               office               at               each               district               headquarter.

    Re-organisation               of               LICI               took               place               and               large               numbers               of               new               branch               offices               were               opened.

    As               a               result               of               re-organisation               servicing               functions               were               transferred               to               the               branches,               and               branches               were               made               accounting               units.

    It               worked               wonders               with               the               performance               of               the               corporation.

    It               may               be               seen               that               from               about               200               Crores               of               New               Business               in               1957               the               corporation               crossed               1000               Crores               only               in               the               year               1969-70,               and               it               took               another               10               years               for               LICI               to               cross               2000               Crore               mark               of               new               business.

    But               with               re-organisation               happening               in               the               early               eighties,               by               1985-86               LICI               had               already               crossed               7000               Crore               Sum               Assured               on               new               policies.
                   Today               LICI               functions               with               2048               fully               computerised               branch               offices,               100               divisional               offices,               7               zonal               offices               and               the               corporate               office.

    LICI's               Wide               Area               Network               covers               100               divisional               offices               and               connects               all               the               branches               through               a               Metro               Area               Network.

    LICI               has               tied               up               with               some               Banks               and               Service               providers               to               offer               on-line               premium               collection               facility               in               selected               cities.

    LICI's               ECS               and               ATM               premium               payment               facility               is               an               addition               to               customer               convenience.

    Apart               from               on-line               Kiosks               and               IVRS,               Info               Centres               have               been               commissioned               at               Mumbai,               Ahmedabad,               Bangalore,               Chennai,               Hyderabad,               Kolkata,               New               Delhi,               Pune               and               many               other               cities.

    With               a               vision               of               providing               easy               access               to               its               policyholders,               LICI               has               launched               its               SATELLITE               SAMPARK               offices.

    The               satellite               offices               are               smaller,               leaner               and               closer               to               the               customer.

    The               digitalised               records               of               the               satellite               offices               will               facilitate               anywhere               servicing               and               many               other               conveniences               in               the               future.
                   LICI               continues               to               be               the               dominant               life               insurer               even               in               the               liberalised               scenario               of               Indian               insurance               and               is               moving               fast               on               a               new               growth               trajectory               surpassing               its               own               past               records.

    LICI               has               issued               over               one               Crore               policies               during               the               current               year.

    It               has               crossed               the               milestone               of               issuing               1,01,32,955               new               policies               by               15th               Oct,               2005,               posting               a               healthy               growth               rate               of               16.67%               over               the               corresponding               period               of               the               previous               year.
                   From               then               to               now,               LICI               has               crossed               many               milestones               and               has               set               unprecedented               performance               records               in               various               aspects               of               life               insurance               business.

    The               same               motives               which               inspired               our               forefathers               to               bring               insurance               into               existence               in               this               country               inspire               us               at               LICI               to               take               this               message               of               protection               to               light               the               lamps               of               security               in               as               many               homes               as               possible               and               to               help               the               people               in               providing               security               to               their               families.
                   THE               MILESTONES               IN               INDIAN               INSURANCE               SECTOR               
                   Some               of               the               important               milestones               in               the               LIFE               insurance               business               in               India               are:
                   1818:               Oriental               Life               Insurance               Company,               the               first               life               insurance               company               on               Indian               soil               started               functioning.

    1870:               Bombay               Mutual               Life               Assurance               Society,               the               first               Indian               life               insurance               company               started               its               business.

    1912:               The               Indian               Life               Assurance               Companies               Act               enacted               as               the               first               statute               to               regulate               the               life               insurance               business.

    1928:               The               Indian               Insurance               Companies               Act               enacted               to               enable               the               government               to               collect               statistical               information               about               both               life               and               non-life               insurance               businesses.

    1938:               Earlier               legislation               consolidated               and               amended               to               by               the               Insurance               Act               with               the               objective               of               protecting               the               interests               of               the               insuring               public.

    1956:               245               Indian               and               foreign               insurers               and               provident               societies               are               taken               over               by               the               central               government               and               nationalised.

    LICI               formed               by               an               Act               of               Parliament,               viz.

    LICI               Act,               1956,               with               a               capital               contribution               of               Rs.

    5               Crore               from               the               Government               of               India.

    The               General               insurance               business               in               India,               on               the               other               hand,               can               trace               its               roots               to               the               Triton               Insurance               Company               Ltd.,               the               first               general               insurance               company               established               in               the               year               1850               in               Calcutta               by               the               British.

    Some               of               the               important               milestones               in               the               GENERAL               insurance               business               in               India               are:               1907:               The               Indian               Mercantile               Insurance               Ltd.

    set               up,               the               first               company               to               transact               all               classes               of               general               insurance               business.

    1957:               General               Insurance               Council,               a               wing               of               the               Insurance               Association               of               India,               frames               a               code               of               conduct               for               ensuring               fair               conduct               and               sound               business               practices.

    1968:               The               Insurance               Act               amended               to               regulate               investments               and               set               minimum               solvency               margins               and               the               Tariff               Advisory               Committee               set               up.

    1972:               The               General               Insurance               Business               (Nationalisation)               Act,               1972               nationalised               the               general               insurance               business               in               India               with               effect               from               1st               January               1973.

    107               insurers               amalgamated               and               grouped               into               four               companies               viz.

    the               National               Insurance               Company               Ltd.,               the               New               India               Assurance               Company               Ltd.,               the               Oriental               Insurance               Company               Ltd.

    and               the               United               India               Insurance               Company               Ltd.

    GIC               incorporated               as               a               company.

    OBJECTIVES               OF               LICI
    Spread               Life               Insurance               widely               and               in               particular               to               the               rural               areas               and               to               the               socially               and               economically               backward               classes               with               a               view               to               reaching               all               insurable               persons               in               the               country               and               providing               them               adequate               financial               cover               against               death               at               a               reasonable               cost.

    Maximize               mobilisation               of               people's               savings               by               making               insurance-linked               savings               adequately               attractive.

                   Bear               in               mind,               in               the               investment               of               funds,               the               primary               obligation               to               its               policyholders,               whose               money               it               holds               in               trust,               without               losing               sight               of               the               interest               of               the               community               as               a               whole;               the               funds               to               be               deployed               to               the               best               advantage               of               the               investors               as               well               as               the               community               as               a               whole,               keeping               in               view               national               priorities               and               obligations               of               attractive               return.
                   Conduct               business               with               utmost               economy               and               with               the               full               realisation               that               the               moneys               belong               to               the               policyholders.

                   Act               as               trustees               of               the               insured               public               in               their               individual               and               collective               capacities.
                   Meet               the               various               life               insurance               needs               of               the               community               that               would               arise               in               the               changing               social               and               economic               environment.
                   Involve               all               people               working               in               the               Corporation               to               the               best               of               their               capability               in               furthering               the               interests               of               the               insured               public               by               providing               efficient               service               with               courtesy.
                   Promote               amongst               all               agents               and               employees               of               the               Corporation               a               sense               of               participation,               pride               and               job               satisfaction               through               discharge               of               their               duties               with               dedication               towards               achievement               of               Corporate               Objective.
                   KNOW               YOUR               LIFE               INSURANCE
                   Life               insurance               in               India               made               its               debut               well               over               100               years               ago.

    In               our               country,               which               is               one               of               the               most               populated               in               the               world,               the               prominence               of               insurance               is               not               as               widely               understood,               as               it               ought               to               be.

    What               follows               is               an               attempt               to               acquaint               readers               with               some               of               the               concepts               of               life               insurance,               with               special               reference               to               LICI.

    It               should,               however,               be               clearly               understood               that               the               following               content               is               by               no               means               an               exhaustive               description               of               the               terms               and               conditions               of               an               LICI               policy               or               its               benefits               or               privileges.

    For               more               details,               please               contact               our               branch               or               divisional               office.

    Any               LICI               Agent               will               be               glad               to               help               you               choose               the               life               insurance               plan               to               meet               your               needs               and               render               policy               servicing.

    What               Is               Life               Insurance?

    Life               insurance               is               a               contract               that               pledges               payment               of               an               amount               to               the               person               assured               (or               his               nominee)               on               the               happening               of               the               event               insured               against.

    The               contract               is               valid               for               payment               of               the               insured               amount               during:               The               date               of               maturity,               or               Specified               dates               at               periodic               intervals,               or               Unfortunate               death,               if               it               occurs               earlier.

    Among               other               things,               the               contract               also               provides               for               the               payment               of               premium               periodically               to               the               Corporation               by               the               policyholder.

    Life               insurance               is               universally               acknowledged               to               be               an               institution,               which               eliminates               'risk',               substituting               certainty               for               uncertainty               and               comes               to               the               timely               aid               of               the               family               in               the               unfortunate               event               of               death               of               the               breadwinner.

    By               and               large,               life               insurance               is               civilisation's               partial               solution               to               the               problems               caused               by               death.

    Life               insurance,               in               short,               is               concerned               with               two               hazards               that               stand               across               the               life-path               of               every               person:               That               of               dying               prematurely               and               leaving               a               dependent               family               to               fend               for               itself.

    That               of               living               till               old               age               without               visible               means               of               support.

    LIFE               INSURANCE               VS.

    OTHER               SAVINGS
    Contract               of               Insurance:
    A               contract               of               insurance               is               a               contract               of               utmost               good               faith               technically               known               as               uberrima               fides.

    The               doctrine               of               disclosing               all               material               facts               is               embodied               in               this               important               principle,               which               applies               to               all               forms               of               insurance.
    At               the               time               of               taking               a               policy,               policyholder               should               ensure               that               all               questions               in               the               proposal               form               are               correctly               answered.

    Any               misrepresentation,               non-disclosure               or               fraud               in               any               document               leading               to               the               acceptance               of               the               risk               would               render               the               insurance               contract               null               and               void.

                   Savings               through               life               insurance               guarantee               full               protection               against               risk               of               death               of               the               saver.

    Also,               in               case               of               demise,               life               insurance               assures               payment               of               the               entire               amount               assured               (with               bonuses               wherever               applicable)               whereas               in               other               savings               schemes,               only               the               amount               saved               (with               interest)               is               payable.
                   Aid               to               Thrift:               
                   Life               insurance               encourages               'thrift'.

    It               allows               long-term               savings               since               payments               can               be               made               effortlessly               because               of               the               'easy               instalment'               facility               built               into               the               scheme.

    (Premium               payment               for               insurance               is               monthly,               quarterly,               half               yearly               or               yearly).
                   For               example:               The               Salary               Saving               Scheme               popularly               known               as               SSS,               provides               a               convenient               method               of               paying               premium               each               month               by               deduction               from               one's               salary.
                   In               this               case               the               employer               directly               pays               the               deducted               premium               to               LICI.

    The               Salary               Saving               Scheme               is               ideal               for               any               institution               or               establishment               subject               to               specified               terms               and               conditions.
                   In               case               of               insurance,               it               is               easy               to               acquire               loans               on               the               sole               security               of               any               policy               that               has               acquired               loan               value.

    Besides,               a               life               insurance               policy               is               also               generally               accepted               as               security,               even               for               a               commercial               loan.
                   Tax               Relief:               
                   Life               Insurance               is               the               best               way               to               enjoy               tax               deductions               on               income               tax               and               wealth               tax.

    This               is               available               for               amounts               paid               by               way               of               premium               for               life               insurance               subject               to               income               tax               rates               in               force.
                   Assessees               can               also               avail               of               provisions               in               the               law               for               tax               relief.

    In               such               cases               the               assured               in               effect               pays               a               lower               premium               for               insurance               than               otherwise.
                   Money               When               You               Need               It:               
                   A               policy               that               has               a               suitable               insurance               plan               or               a               combination               of               different               plans               can               be               effectively               used               to               meet               certain               monetary               needs               that               may               arise               from               time-to-time.
                   Children's               education,               start-in-life               or               marriage               provision               or               even               periodical               needs               for               cash               over               a               stretch               of               time               can               be               less               stressful               with               the               help               of               these               policies.
                   Alternatively,               policy               money               can               be               made               available               at               the               time               of               one's               retirement               from               service               and               used               for               any               specific               purpose,               such               as,               purchase               of               a               house               or               for               other               investments.

    Also,               loans               are               granted               to               policyholders               for               house               building               or               for               purchase               of               flats               (subject               to               certain               conditions).
                   Who               Can               Buy               A               Policy?

                   Any               person               who               has               attained               majority               and               is               eligible               to               enter               into               a               valid               contract               can               insure               himself/herself               and               those               in               whom               he/she               has               insurable               interest.
                   Policies               can               also               be               taken,               subject               to               certain               conditions,               on               the               life               of               one's               spouse               or               children.

    While               underwriting               proposals,               certain               factors               such               as               the               policyholder's               state               of               health,               the               proponent's               income               and               other               relevant               factors               are               considered               by               the               Corporation.
                   Insurance               for               Women               
                   Prior               to               nationalisation               (1956),               many               private               insurance               companies               would               offer               insurance               to               female               lives               with               some               extra               premium               or               on               restrictive               conditions.

    However,               after               nationalisation               of               life               insurance,               the               terms               under               which               life               insurance               is               granted               to               female               lives               have               been               reviewed               from               time-to-time.
                   At               present,               women               who               work               and               earn               an               income               are               treated               at               par               with               men.

    In               other               cases,               a               restrictive               clause               is               imposed,               only               if               the               age               of               the               female               is               up               to               30               years               and               if               she               does               not               have               an               income               attracting               Income               Tax.

                   Medical               and               Non-Medical               Schemes
                   Life               insurance               is               normally               offered               after               a               medical               examination               of               the               life               to               be               assured.

    However,               to               facilitate               greater               spread               of               insurance               and               also               to               avoid               inconvenience,               LICI               has               been               extending               insurance               cover               without               any               medical               examination,               subject               to               certain               conditions.
                   With               Profit               and               Without               Profit               Plans               
                   An               insurance               policy               can               be               'with'               or               'without'               profit.

    In               the               former,               bonuses               disclosed,               if               any,               after               periodical               valuations               are               allotted               to               the               policy               and               are               payable               along               with               the               contracted               amount.
                   In               'without'               profit               plan               the               contracted               amount               is               paid               without               any               addition.

    The               premium               rate               charged               for               a               'with'               profit               policy               is               therefore               higher               than               for               a               'without'               profit               policy.
                   Key               man               Insurance               
                   Key               man               insurance               is               taken               by               a               business               firm               on               the               life               of               key               employee(s)               to               protect               the               firm               against               financial               losses,               which               may               occur               due               to               the               premature               demise               of               the               Key               man.
                   1.IRDA               Website.

                   2.LICI               Website.

                   3.Websites               of               other               Private               Insurance               Companies.
                   [               End               of               Part               2               of               4               Parts.

    To               be               continued               in               Part               3               ]               
                   Himansu               S               M               /               20-Feb-2009

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