2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'public accounting experience'|My experience with Google AdSense API Integration...time I heard about the public release of AdSense APIs was... to convert my account to a developer account. To my surprise...

About 'public accounting experience'|My experience with Google AdSense API Integration...time I heard about the public release of AdSense APIs was... to convert my account to a developer account. To my surprise...

               Most               job-seekers               devote               a               substantial               amount               of               time               and               energy               into               making               their               resumes               (or               CVs,               for               those               of               you               who               drive               fancier               cars)               as               perfect               as               possible.

They               read               books               about               resumes,               attend               classes,               even               hire               other               people               to               write               the               resumes               on               their               behalf.

And               what               do               they               do               when               they               submit               those               beautiful               one-page               encapsulations               of               their               lives?

They               cover               them               up               with               crummy,               poorly               written               cover               letters.
               There's               no               question               that               a               resume               is               important               when               you're               looking               for               a               job,               although               many               people               overestimate               the               amount               of               time               potential               employers               will               take               to               study               them.

In               my               experience,               a               resume               is               essentially               a               screening               tool               that               gives               an               employer               a               relatively               quick               way               to               divide               applicants               into               "possible"               and               "ain't               no               way"               piles.
               (I               speak               from               experience,               because               I've               been               the               unofficial               resume               screener               at               several               jobs.

The               department               director               doesn't               have               time               to               go               through               the               200               resumes               that               came               in               that               week,               so               he               or               she               parcels               it               to               someone               lower               on               the               food               chain.

"Sort               them               and               give               me               any               that               are               worthwhile."               So,               as               a               22-year-old               assistant               to               an               assistant,               I               was               determining               whether               VP-level               candidates               were               worth               an               interview.)
               Whether               the               decision-maker               or               a               lowly               associate               is               handling               screening,               the               process               is               essentially               the               same.

The               screener               is               quickly               narrowing               the               list               to               identify               potential               candidates.

A               five-               or               ten-second               scan,               and               you               either               have               an               opportunity,               or               you're               thrown               in               the               trash               pile.
               One               way               you               can               increase               your               chances               of               getting               a               longer               look               is               to               include               a               cover               letter               with               your               resume.

That               may               not               be               news               to               you,               but               what               may               come               as               a               surprise               is               that               the               vast               majority               of               cover               letters               are               nothing               short               of               horrible.

In               my               experience               of               reviewing               resumes               and               cover               letters               at               several               different               levels               in               several               different               jobs,               I'd               guess               that               somewhere               around               90               percent               of               cover               letters               are               terrible               --               either               poorly               written,               unimaginative,               unconvincing,               or               just               plain               weird.
               Roughly               90               percent               of               that               90               percent               follow               one               of               two               approaches:               the               "my               name               is"               approach,               or               the               "match               the               job               listing"               approach.

The               "my               name               approach"               is               my               least               favorite.

"My               name               is               Maria               Jones,               and               I               am               interested               in               applying               my               skills               and               educational               knowledge               ...

so               forth               and               so               on."               (I               always               find               it               remarkable               that               the               name               in               the               first               sentence               matches               the               name               at               the               very               bottom               of               the               letter.

Given               that               fact,               why               do               people               feel               the               need               to               repeat               it?)
               The               "match               the               job               listing"               approach               user               simply               regurgitates               the               job               posting.

"I               am               a               financial               professional               with               2+               years               of               public               accounting               experience,               familiarity               with               cash               management,               a               Bachelor's               degree,               and               knowledge               of               SAP,               and               I'm               interested               in               the               Accounting               Associate               position."               Yawn.

Of               course               you're               interested               in               the               position               --               that's               why               you're               responding.

(A               dead               giveaway               is               when               there's               a               typo               in               the               ad's               description,               and               the               respondent               duplicates               the               typo               in               the               cover               letter.)
               If               you               want               to               set               your               cover               letter               apart               from               all               the               bad               ones,               you               need               to               understand               the               two               roles               such               letters               play.

First,               they               have               to               serve               as               a               stopper               --               they               have               to               interrupt               the               wearying               process               of               mechanically               scanning               through               a               stack               of               virtually               identical               resumes,               and               capture               the               scanner's               attention.
               Second,               and               most               important,               they're               an               opportunity               to               have               an               interview               before               the               interview.

The               right               cover               letter               is               your               introduction               to               the               decision-maker,               and               if               it               suggests               that               you're               the               perfect               fit               for               the               position               and               culture,               you'll               interview               from               a               position               of               strength.

Even               if               it               simply               makes               you               memorable,               the               interviewer               will               look               forward               to               talking               to               you,               and               might               even               open               the               interview               with               a               comment               from               the               letter.
               Use               the               cover               letter               to               tell               a               story               about               yourself.

Give               the               scanner               and               the               decision-maker               some               insight               into               what               makes               you               tick               and               what               separates               you               from               the               200               others               who               are               also               sending               resumes.

Think               about               what               brought               you               to               this               point               in               your               life               and               career,               and               share               the               story.
               Want               an               example?

"I               wouldn't               be               writing               you               if               I               hadn't               been               cut               from               the               football               team               in               7th               grade.

When               I               was               a               little               kid,               I               dreamed               of               playing               for               the               NFL.

But               when               I               realized               I               wasn't               even               good               enough               to               warm               the               bench,               I               knew               I'd               have               to               find               another               interest.

I               joined               the               computer               club               at               school,               and               three               months               later,               created               my               first               website.

By               the               time               I               was               a               high               school               junior,               I               had               my               own               business."

"My               nursing               career               really               began               when               I               took               a               job               in               my               small               town's               pizza               restaurant.

If               that               sounds               strange,               think               about               the               environment.

Everyone's               in               a               rush,               there               are               many               complicated               procedures               happening               at               the               same               time,               the               phone               never               stops               ringing               --               and               mistakes               are               simply               unacceptable               to               both               customers               and               the               owner.

You               either               thrive               in               that               environment,               or               you               get               out.

I               loved               it."
               You               have               stories               like               that               in               your               own               life.

Things               you've               done,               lessons               you've               learned,               people               you've               admired               --               all               the               things               that               made               you               the               person               you               are               today,               and               all               the               things               that               will               make               you               a               valuable               member               of               your               prospective               employer's               team.

But               that               employer               won't               know               about               them               unless               you               share               them,               and               hiding               behind               a               standardized               "My               name               is"               cover               letter               just               won't               do               it.
               You               can               apply               the               same               principles               to               emailed               resumes.

If               the               opening               lines               of               your               email               are               compelling               and               interesting,               the               poor               guy               or               gal               who               has               to               sift               through               those               hundreds               of               emails               will               stop               and               read               it.
               Yes,               do               make               sure               your               resume               is               perfect.

Spend               time               getting               it               right.

But               don't               miss               out               on               what               will               really               differentiate               you               by               falling               into               the               trap               of               sending               a               run-of-the-mill               cover               letter.

After               all,               you               bring               something               unique               to               the               process               --               and               only               you               know               what               that               is.

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