2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'public accounting board'|SCOTUS Picks Up Accounting Oversight Board Case

About 'public accounting board'|SCOTUS Picks Up Accounting Oversight Board Case

As               our               war               on               terrorism               is               executed               on               a               daily               basis,               this               ordeal,               never               seems               to               come               to               an               end.

To               date,               the               leader               of               Al               Qaeda,               Bin               Laden,               has               eluded               captured.

Oddly,               one               man               has               been               able               to               overcome               the               best               efforts               of               our               military,               our               allies,               and               that               of               the               best               intelligence               organizations               of               the               world.

Still,               to               this               day,               his               reign               of               terror               persists               to               infuriate               the               many               who               continue               the               fight               against,               not               just               Al               Qaeda,               but               the               Taliban               as               well.

When               I               personally               think               of               terrorism,               I               think               of               all               the               inhumane               acts,               "already,"               perpetrated               upon               the               public               by               these               unconscionable               animals.

"Animals,"               because               they               prey               on               the               innocent,               seeking               to               destroy               the               peace               and               serenity               of               mankind,               yet,               while               the               only               resolve               we               have               come               up               with,               is               to               fight               them               on               their               own               terms.

Bin               Laden,               as               many               of               the               tyrants               before               him,               will               go               down               in               the               annals               of               history               as               being               and               having               been               the               most               elusive               one               of               them               all.

Compared               to               the               likes               of               Hitler,               Mussolini,               Genghis               Khan,               Napoleon               and               all               the               rest               who               reigned               tyranny               upon               mankind,               Bin               Laden,               has               been               the               exception.

Exception,               for               it               makes               many               wonder               whether               all               this               is               uncanny               and               strangely               unusual,               or               is               his               ability               to               remain               free,               aided               by               some               insider               information.

I               do               not               surmise,               anything               "supernatural"               in               nature,               either.

We               rarely               hear               of               the               fight               against               Al               Qaeda,               but               now               hear               overwhelming               news               reports               about               casualties               inflicted               against               the               Taliban.

There               are               "two"               wars               the               United               States               has               set               as               an               agenda               in               Afghanistan.

The               war               on               Terrorism,               and               the               war               on               "drugs."               The               Taliban               is               actively               distributing               opium,               and               in               Afghanistan,               it               is               the               number               one               cash               crop.

So               the               presumption               has               to               be,               which               war               are               we               "really"               fighting               in               Afghanistan?

"Both."               And               this               is               the               difficulty               which               is               confronted               each               day               by               our               best               military               leaders               within               this               country               to               this               day.

Many               of               these               soldiers               for               the               Taliban,               including               soldiers               of               Al               Qaeda,               were               initially               trained               by               the               CIA               when               Russia               was               trying               to               occupy               this               country.

Once               the               war               ended               in               the               defeat               of               the               Russians,               U.S               support               ended               and               the               peoples               of               Afghanistan               were               left               to               rebuild               their               own               country.

Bin               Laden               and               many               of               his               associates               remain               elusive               because               it               is               this               countries               fault               that               these               soldiers               are               so               well               "trained."               Were               it               a               simple               matter               of               warfare,               the               tyranny               of               the               Taliban               and               Al               Qaeda               would               not               still               be               permeating               the               air               with               their               inhumane               acts               of               terrorism,               nor               would               we               still               be               guessing               where               the               next               attack               occur.

Bin               Laden               did               not               train               "himself."               He               had               good               "teachers."               United               States               intelligence               agents.

And,               he               has               retaliated               harshly               against,               not               just               those               teachers,               but               the               nation               they               come               from               who               wished               to               stop               the               Russians               then               decided               to               abandon               them.

In               the               sick               minds               of               the               Taliban               and               Al               Qaeda,               we               are               all               to               blame               for               using               them               to               accomplish               a               campaign               against               the               Russians.
               I               am               a               patriot               to               my               county,               having               been               a               Marine               during               Vietnam,               but               is               it               not               time               to               create               an               initiative               of               law               enforcement               against               the               terrorists?

An               initiative               of               "accountability."               There               are               "suppliers"               of               arms,               money,               bombs,               vehicles,               and               the               like               which               are               an               "essential"               part               of               carrying               on               a               war.

These               terrorists               continue               because               a               plan               has               not               hit               the               board               to               cut               the               lines               that               keep               all               the               supplies               coming               in               for               Al               Qaeda               and               the               Taliban.

One               of               these               plans               should               be               as               the               one               used               during               World               War               Two.

"Retain"               the               relatives               of               known               terrorists               within               prison               camps,               "until"               those               soldiers               involved,               turn               themselves               in               to               proper               authorities.

"Accountability,"               is               what               is               needed               in               our               war               on               terrorism,               and               that               should               include               all               those               who               support               the               terrorists               and               their               actions               against               the               humanity.

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