2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'public relations account executive'|Public Relations Account Executive – Philadelphia, PA

About 'public relations account executive'|Public Relations Account Executive – Philadelphia, PA

Single               men               and               women               give               advice               on:               So...why               aren't               you               married?

Here               are               killer               responses               to               this               world's               dumbest               question.

Single               women               and               single               men               --               but               ESPECIALLY               single               women,               get               hit               with               this               idiotic               question               all               the               time.

It's               not               that               people               are               rude.

They're               idiots.

How               the               heck               is               a               nice               pretty               woman               supposed               to               know               why               Mr.

Right               hasn't               yet               crossed               her               path?

Stop               and               think               before               you               ask               someone,               "Why               aren't               you               married?"               Even               young               women               get               asked,               "Why               aren't               you               married?"               Come               on               already.

Leave               single               women               (and               men)               alone.

Maybe               this               is               a               real               sore               point               for               some               women,               and               asking,               "Why               aren't               you               married"               is               like               asking               someone,               "Why               are               you               fat?"               If               a               woman               isn't               married,               SO               WHAT.

GET               OVER               IT.

Talk               about               the               weather               instead.

Maybe               it's               you               yourself               who               needs               a               life,               not               the               single               woman               who's               not               married.
               Great               Responses               to:               "WHY               AREN'T               YOU               MARRIED?"

"I'm               still               sleeping               around."
               Jessica,               29,               public               relations

"I               do               have               a               boyfriend,               but               we               can't               even               begin               to               think               about               marriage               until               he               gets               paroled."
               Trish               McDermott,               VP               of               Love,               Engage.com

"Why               ARE               you               married?"
               Amanda               Fier,               32,               senior               account               executive               at               Olson               Communications,               Scottsdale,               Arizona

"His               current               wife               won't               agree               to               the               divorce."               
               "Because               we               still               like               each               other."               
               "Because               I               hear               that               living               in               sin               is               much               more               entertaining."
               Melissa,               24,               advertising,               Dayton,               Ohio

"I'm               not               married               because               I               figured               the               longer               I               wait,               the               less               I               have               to               be               married               to               him."
               Sonia               Taylor,               34,               Allison               &               Partners,               Washington,               D.C.

"I'm               waiting               for               a               soul               mate               instead               of               a               cell               mate."
               Deonne,               33,               public               relations,               Grand               Rapids,               Michigan
               Q:               "Hey               Jenn,               when               are               you               going               to               get               married?"
               Jennifer:               "I               don't               know.

When               are               you               going               to               lose               10               pounds?"
               Q:               "Why               aren't               you               married?"
               Jennifer:               "Why?

So               I               can               be               as               happy               and               dysfunctional               as               you               are?"
               Q:               "Why               aren't               you               married?"
               Jennifer:               "I               haven't               met               anyone               as               good               as               me               yet."
               Jennifer               O'Neal,               34,               account               navigator               for               Seventh               Point,               Virginia               Beach,               Virginia

"I               never               married               because               insanity               runs               in               my               family               and               I'm               afraid               to               have               children."
               Joan,               author               of               "Celebrating               Single               and               Getting               Love               Right:               from               Stalemate               to               Soulmate"

I               just               shake               my               head,               shrug               my               shoulders               and               sincerely               and               genuinely               answer:               "I               don't               know!

I'm               smart,               funny,               successful,               good-looking               and               own               my               own               place,               so               if               you               know               of               anyone,               send               'em               my               way!"
               Sheara               A.

Reich,               35,               Public               Relations,               Washington,               D.C.

"I               may               have               fallen               in               love               once               or               twice,               but               I've               never               met               anyone               that               I               like               that               much."
               Angela               Jones,               EFG               :               Entertainment               Fusion               Group,               Hollywood,               California

Danielle               Cormier               is               a               30-year-old               PR               professional               in               Philadelphia               who's               been               seeing               a               man               for               over               two               years.

People               keep               asking,               "Why               aren't               you               married?"
               Her               response:               "The               longer               I               wait,               the               bigger               the               ring."

"If               I               knew,               I               wouldn't               be               single,               would               I?"
               "I               don't               know,               you               tell               me."
               My               answer               to               "When               are               you               going               to               get               married?"
               "When               he               finds               me."
               "When               rude               people               stop               asking               me               when               the               big               day               is."
               Anne               Veltema,               28,               public               relations,               Grand               Rapids,               Michigan

"Because               then               the               divorce               would               cost               too               much."
               "Because               then               we               can't               get               divorced               and               if               we               have               a               fight,               he               can               just               go               home!"
               Linda               Hamburger,               PR               consultant,               46,               Deerfield               Beach,               Florida

"Why               aren't               you               thin               yet?"
               "Why               aren't               you               smart               yet?"
               "And               spoil               my               wonderful               sex               life...not               a               chance."
               "I'm               lucky,               I               guess."
               Lindsay               Wagner               (not               the               actress)

"I               don't               want               children.

I've               never               wanted               children.

I               never               will               have               children."
               Holly               Valliant,               40s,               public               relations


I               forgot!"
               "Is               that               a               proposal?"
               "You               don't               have               to               wait;               feel               free               to               give               us               the               food               processor               now."

Do               you               get               a               commission               on               the               license?"
               "It               gives               my               parents               something               to               live               for."
               "I'm               waiting               for               the               stars               to               be               properly               aligned."
               "I'm               still               hoping               for               a               shot               at               Miss               America."
               "Because               I               love               being               asked               that               question."
               From               "Unmarried               to               Each               Other:               The               Essential               Guide               to               Living               Together               As               an               Unmarried               Couple,"               by               Dorian               Solot               and               Marshall               Miller

"I'm               waiting               on               God's               timing.

I               tried               my               own               and               it               pretty               much               stank."
               Jim               McClure,               Arlington               Heights,               Illinois

1]               My               own               line:               "It               never               occurred               to               me"
               2]               "I               forgot",               or               better               yet,               "Oh               crap,               I               forgot"
               3]               This               one               is               trademarked:               "It's               the               low               cost               alternative               to               divorce"
               Carl               Weisman,               author               of               "So               Why               Haven't               You               Ever               Been               Married?"
               READ               blistering               commentary               on               why               "Why               aren't               you               married"               is               the               world's               dumbest               question.

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public relations account executive

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public relations account executive

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    About 'certified professional accountant'|Certified Public Accountant Frequently Asked Questions

    About 'certified professional accountant'|Certified Public Accountant Frequently Asked Questions

    Certified               Public               Accountant,               also               known               as               CPAs,               are               very               important               to               businesses               and               estates.

    These               are               the               people               who               are               responsible               for               keeping               track               of               their               client's               money,               as               well               as               advising               these               clients               on               how               they               can               better               manage               their               money.

    CPAs               are               know               as               business               development               specialists               that               specialize               in               business               enhancement,               business               valuation,               fraud               protection               and               detection,               controllership,               litigation               support,               tax               planning               and               preparation               and               finally               financial               reporting               and               auditing.

    CPAs               are               also               responsible               for               accounting,               financial               and               trustment               planning,               computer               consulting               services,               litigation               support               services,               representation               before               the               IRS,               estate               and               business               tax               planning               as               well               as               being               a               Quick               Book               Professional               Advisor.

    In               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               prospective               clients               have               many               CPA               firms               to               choose               from               and               will               have               the               tough               chore               of               finding               the               firm               that               best               suites               the               needs               of               their               business               or               estate.

    Perhaps               one               of               the               firms               listed               below               is               the               one               that               will               best               fit               this               need.
                   The               Broussard               Group               is               located               at               One               Lakeshore               Drive,               Suite               1900,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-439-6600               or               visit               www.thebroussardgroup.com.
                   McElroy,               Quirk               &               Burch               is               located               at               800               Kirby               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-433-1063               or               visit               www.mqb-cpa.com.
                   Gragson,               Casiday               &               Guillory,               L.L.P.

    is               located               at               145               East               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-439-1986               or               visit               www.gcgcpa.com.
                   Ehlers,               Childress               and               Castille               CPAs               are               located               at               633               Pujo               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information               call               337-433-3153.
                   Robert               Dunn               &               Company,               L.L.C.

    is               located               at               724               Kirby               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-493-3100               or               visit               www.dunnroberts.com.
                   Milford               Hilliard               &               Farrar               CPAs               is               located               at               1304               Enterprise               Boulevard,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-433-8554.
                   Denny               B.

    Dennison               CPA               is               located               at               1021               Ryan               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-433-3410               or               visit               www.dennisoncpa.com.
                   Rebecca               Hughes               CPA               is               located               at               5400               Lake               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-479-0007.
                   Langley               Williams               &               Company               is               located               at               205               West               College               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-477-2827.
                   Anthony               L.

    Lebato               is               located               at               618               Alamo               Street,               Lake               Charles,               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               377-436-0976.
                   John               H.

    McDonald               CPA               is               located               at               4650               Lake               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               377-562-9711.
                   Darrell               Morris               is               located               at               1936               Southwood               Drive,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               377-474-6490.
                   Scalisi               Myers               &               White               is               located               at               675               College               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-477-6363.
                   Leo               Parker,               Jr.,               is               located               at               4400               Lake               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana,               for               more               information,               call               337-477-1041.
                   Patin               Pettaway               &               Pettaway               CPAs               is               located               at               2700               2nd               Avenue,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-478-6760.
                   Marie               Agosto               Prejean               is               located               at               800               W.

    Bayou               Pines               Drive,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-433-3326.
                   Quirk               and               Associates               LLC               is               located               at               3931               Common               Street,               Lake               Charles               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-474-7979.
                   David               W.

    Rettig               CPA,               is               located               at               1117               Pithon               Street,               Lake               Charles,               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-439-8422.
                   Gus               Schram               &               Co.,               Ltd               CPAs               is               located               at               1409               Kirkman,               Lake               Charles,               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-433-1021.
                   Stulb               &               Associates               CPAs               is               located               at               1               Lakeshore               Drive,               Lake               Charles,               Louisiana.

    For               more               information,               call               337-494-1240.

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    About 'tx comptroller of public accounts'|A Call for Action In support of Texas Educators and Students

    About 'tx comptroller of public accounts'|A Call for Action In support of Texas Educators and Students

    The               state               of               Texas               has               exemptions               from               sales               tax               on               certain               kinds               of               purchases               or               purchasers.

    For               example,               a               business               buying               at               wholesale               for               resale               purposes               may               obtain               a               Texas               sales               tax               exemption               on               those               purchases.

    Nonprofits               can               also               obtain               certain               Texas               tax               exemptions.

    Those               seeking               to               get               a               sales               tax               exemption               in               Texas               must               first               register               for               a               Texas               tax               ID               number               for               sales               tax.

    They               can               then               use               Texas               tax               exempt               forms               to               get               sale               tax               exemptions               on               purchases               made               in               Texas.

    Step               1:
                   A               business               should               first               register               with               the               Texas               Secretary               of               State               for               certain               business               entities.

    For               example,               a               business               or               individual               seeking               to               form               a               Texas               corporation               would               first               register               with               the               Secretary               of               State.

    Other               business               entities               that               need               to               file               include               limited               liability               companies               and               certain               partnerships.

    These               entities               must               register               the               business               with               the               Secretary               of               State               first               because               such               organizations               must               file               under               the               entity               to               get               a               Texas               tax               exemption               for               sales               tax.
                   Step               2:
                   Get               an               EIN               number               (federal               tax               identification               number)               if               your               business               requires               it.

    Nonprofits               always               need               an               EIN.

    Other               businesses               typically               need               an               EIN               number               if               they               are               hiring               employees.

    You               can               find               out               about               EIN               registration               requirements               at               IRS.gov.

    There               is               a               search               box               at               the               top               of               every               page.
                   Step               3:
                   Download               the               Texas               Comptroller               of               Public               Accounts               "Texas               Application"               for               state               sales               tax.

    Texas               businesses               need               to               use               this               form               when               collecting               Texas               sales               taxes.

    They               then               receive               a               Texas               sales               tax               ID               number               that               is               used               when               remitting               sales               taxes               to               the               state.

    Note               that               you               generally               need               to               do               this               first               to               get               a               Texas               tax               exemption               from               sales               taxes.
                   Step               4:
                   Fill               out               the               form               with               your               business               information.

    Even               if               you               did               not               have               to               register               with               the               Secretary               of               State               (like               a               sole               proprietorship),               you               still               need               to               fill               out               this               Texas               sales-tax               registration               form               if               selling               to               customers               in               Texas.

    You               should               also               read               the               detailed               instructions               for               this               Texas               sales               tax               permit               application               before               completing               the               form.
                   Step               5:
                   Send               the               completed               form               to               the               following               address:
                   Comptroller               of               Public               Accounts               
                   111               E.

    17th               St.

                   Austin,               TX               78774-0100
                   Step               6:
                   You               will               generally               get               a               Texas               sales               tax               permit               and               ID               number               in               about               four               weeks.

    For               some               Texas               tax               exemptions               for               sales               tax,               you               will               need               this               Texas               sales               tax               permit               number.
                   Step               7:
                   Download               the               Texas               tax               exemption               certificates               at               Window.state.tx.us/taxinfo/taxforms/01-339.pdf.

    There               are               two               Texas               tax               exempt               forms               for               sales               tax:

    Texas               Sales               and               Use               Tax               Resale               Certificate;               and

    Texas               Sales               and               Use               Tax               Exemption               Certification.
                   Step               8:
                   Provide               a               copy               of               this               form               to               the               seller               when               you               want               a               Texas               tax               exemption               for               sales               tax               on               purchases               that               you               or               your               business               make               in               Texas.

    Use               the               Texas               resale               certificate               when               buying               goods               that               you               will               resell.

    Use               the               exemption               certification               when               you               otherwise               qualify               for               an               exemption               on               Texas               sales               taxes.
                   Tip:               Always               inform               a               Texas               business               attorney               about               your               business               buying               activities               to               see               if               you               qualify               for               a               Texas               tax               exemption               on               those               purchases.

    For               example,               a               Texas               nonprofit               corporation               has               tax               exemptions               for               some               but               not               all               purchases.

                   Texas               Resale               Certificates
                   Texas               Sales               Tax               Permit               Application

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    tx comptroller of public accounts

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    tx comptroller of public accounts

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