2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'public accounting youtube'|...blogspot.com/ (iii) Videos of Suburban Spies Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch v=e-2nKF7gcRA http://www.youtube.com/watch v=zYE6kiTJiTc

About 'public accounting youtube'|...blogspot.com/ (iii) Videos of Suburban Spies Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch v=e-2nKF7gcRA http://www.youtube.com/watch v=zYE6kiTJiTc

It's               past               midnight               of               Saturday.

Well,               actually,               it               is               before               dawn               of               Sunday               already,               September               27,               2009,               as               I               write               this.

I               was               not               expecting               at               all               this               morning               when               I               left               home               that               I               would               spend               the               night               here               at               my               office               in               Makati               City.

It               was               cloudy               and               drizzling               only               when               my               wife               and               I               left               our               apartment               in               Quezon               City               at               around               8am.

When               I               arrived               in               Makati,               the               rain               became               slightly               stronger,               and               was               already               accompanied               by               strong               winds.

But               I               did               not               foresee               any               flooding               to               happen.
               After               office               hours,               at               6pm,               I               could               not               leave               the               office               already               because               the               street               right               in               front               of               our               building               is               flooded.

It               has               been               filled               with               hip-level               rainwater               since               11am,               or               more               than               12               hours               ago.

Up               to               now,               the               flood               has               not               subsided               and               tropical               storm               ONDOY               continues               to               bring               rain.

I               was               not               expecting               ONDOY               to               be               this               fierce.
               My               wife               is               also               stranded               at               her               school               in               Sampaloc,               Manila               City               and               is               also               spending               the               night               there.

We               communicate               through               our               cellular               phones.

Water               level               outside               her               school               is               high               that               even               their               neighboring               school,               the               University               of               Santo               Tomas,               has               turned               into               a               huge               pond,               according               to               her.
               This               is               my               first               time               to               be               stuck               in               one               place               and               can't               move               around               due               to               heavy               flooding               in               Metro               Manila.

There               may               be               similar               cases               before               but               I               was               fortunate               to               be               in               places               then               that               were               not               flooded.
               According               to               a               report               on               GMANews.TV,               the               heavy               flooding               in               Metro               Manila               and               in               other               provinces               of               Luzon               today               is               due               to               the               record-breaking               amount               of               rainfall               from               8am               up               to               2pm               Saturday.
               Quoting               an               official               of               the               Philippine               Atmospheric,               Geophysical               and               Astronomical               Services               Administration               (PAG-ASA),               the               report               said               the               total               recorded               rainfall               of               341               millimeters               during               that               six-hour               period               surpassed               the               highest               24-hour               rainfall               record               of               334               millimeters               in               June               1967.

It               is               even               almost               equal               already               to               the               average               monthly               rainfall               in               Metro               Manila               of               392               millimeters.
               "This               could               be               again               a               manifestation               of               climate               change.

Due               to               climate               change,               we               should               expect               more               extreme               weather               events               like               extreme               rainfall,"               the               report               quoted               PAG-ASA               Weather               Services               Bureau               Head               Nathaniel               Cruz               to               have               said               in               an               interview.
               Aside               from               this               explanation,               I               highly               suspect               that               blocked               drainage               in               the               entire               Metro               Manila               also               caused               the               flooding,               again,               as               it               always               does               in               previous               cases.

Some               of               my               contacts               on               facebook               wrote               that               the               heavy               flooding               reminds               Filipinos               again               on               how               to               deal               with               their               trashes,               and               I               agree               with               them.
               According               to               a               report               of               the               National               Disaster               Coordinating               Council               (NDCC),               the               storm               has               severely               affected               Regions               III               (Central               Luzon),               IV-A               (Calabarzon),               IV-B               (MIMAROPA),               V               (Bicol               Region)               and               the               National               Capital               Region.
               Because               of               this,               Metro               Manila               and               other               areas               in               Luzon               were               placed               under               a               state               of               calamity,               which               would               allow               them               access               to               funds               for               immediate               needs               and               recovery               operations               later.
               Aside               from               residents,               workers               and               students               affected               by               the               flood,               several               passengers               at               seaports               and               airports               were               also               stranded               due               to               cancelled               trips.

At               least               24               domestic               flights               were               cancelled               and               some               international               flights               were               diverted               as               of               Saturday               morning,               the               Manila               International               Airport               Authority               reported.

Several               other               flights               suffered               the               same               fate               later               in               the               day.
               The               NDCC               said               in               its               6pm               report               on               Saturday               that               five               persons               were               confirmed               to               have               died               -               three               in               Muntinlupa               City               and               two               in               Quezon               City               -               during               the               onslaught               of               ONDOY.

GMAnews.TV               reported               that               40               others               died               in               the               province               of               Rizal,               quoting               Rizal               Governor               Casimiro               Ynares               III               who               was               interviewed               on               DZRH               radio.

The               fatalities               are               specifically               from               the               towns               of               Tanay,               Rodriguez               and               Angono.

The               death               toll               is               expected               to               rise               in               the               coming               days.
               Many               others               were               also               missing.
               Rescue               operations               was               the               business               of               the               day               for               government               and               volunteer               agencies               as               flood               victims,               especially               in               Marikina               City               and               Rizal               province,               sought               help               while               atop               their               submerged               residences.

The               military               utilized               their               naval               assets               to               rescue               victims.
               President               Gloria               Macapagal-Arroyo,               herself,               went               to               the               NDCC               headquarters               in               Camp               Aguinaldo,               Quezon               City               to               preside               over               the               NDCC               meeting               and               operations.

Earlier               in               the               day,               Defense               Secretary               and               concurrent               NDCC               Chair               Gilbert               Teodoro               experienced               for               himself               the               inconvenience               caused               by               ONDOY               as               he               was               forced               to               take               the               MRT               public               transport               system               to               reach               Camp               Aguinaldo.

In               a               radio               interview,               Teodoro               said               he               had               to               brave               the               flood               in               front               of               the               military               headquaters               to               reach               his               office.
               Meanwhile,               at               our               office,               because               of               the               flood               outside,               some               of               my               officemates               could               not               leave               to               buy               their               food               for               lunch.

They               couldn't               ask               for               food               delivery               as               well               because               most               outlets               already               halted               their               delivery               services               for               the               day.

So,               like               any               Filipinos               would               do,               those               with               packed               lunch               shared               their               food               with               those               who               have               none.

I               shared               mine               with               my               co-Accounting               staff.
               In               the               afternoon,               I               noticed               that               my               Globe               mobile               phone               is               not               hitting               any               signal,               making               it               impossible               for               me               to               get               in               touch               with               my               wife               and               officemates.

I               initially               thought               it               was               only               my               phone               that's               experiencing               the               problem.

I               learned               later               that               my               other               officemates,               and               even               my               wife,               who               all               use               Globe               simcards,               are               also               in               the               same               situation.
               Worried               about               my               wife,               I               scanned               through               my               other               cellular               phone               with               a               Suncelluar               simcard               and               found               out               I               have               a               number               of               her               classmate               who               is               with               her               at               that               time.

Thanks               to               Mariane,               I               was               able               to               get               through               to               my               wife.

At               past               8pm,               I               called               up               my               wife               through               Mariane's               phone               and               we               both               agreed               to               spend               the               night               wherever               we               were               for               our               own               safety.

I               was               glad               to               know               she               had               dinner               already               and               has               a               blanket,               courtesy               of               their               school.

She               and               her               nursing               classmates               were               also               safe               at               the               second               level               of               their               school               building,               way               above               the               flood               outside.
               About               an               hour               or               two               before               this               write               up,               when               there               was               nothing               else               to               do               in               the               office,               my               officemates               and               I               resorted               to               singing               to               kill               the               time.

We               even               posted               them               on               youtube.
               By               now,               almost               all               of               my               officemates               here               already               dozed               off.

And               just               a               while               ago,               I               took               a               quick               peek               outside               my               office               and               observed               that               it               is               still               drizzling.
               I               really               hope               the               flood               is               gone               when               I               wake               up               later               so               my               wife               and               I               could               go               home               and               take               a               good               rest.

I               also               hope               our               apartment               is               spared               from               floodwater.
               It's               been               a               long,               wet               day.

No               one               couldn't               stop               that               rain,               of               course,               but               the               people               should               have               learned               something               good               out               of               this               calamity./END

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